Friday, December 12, 2008

Balancing One Point

I have started studying again and am often asked how my studies are going. Depending on the day, my answer will vary. Sometimes I feel confident, especially when I find that I still remember the characteristics of a join tenancy or the rules regarding piercing the corporate veil. Other times, I feel overwhelmed, like when I realize that I've hardly made process on typing up my corporations outline.

One point is my hurdle, but I have to be certain to study just as hard as I did the last time. I admit that this second time around is much harder to get (and stay) motivated for. The material still looks familiar. I am still getting about 60-70% of my MBE multis right. I can still recite the elements for strict liability.

I am finding that I can run 3-5 miles easily on the treadmill when I have my BarBri outline with me. So, though I am not really progressing on typing up new outlines, I am reading the ones I used this summer and reading the big BarBri book. I have some "Law in a Flash" cards that a friend graciously gave me and those have been helpful, if not for the sole reason that it is a new format.

In other news, I am up to about 6 miles that I can run at one time. My marathon junkie of a brother will take me out on Sunday for a long run (for will be an "easy jog" for him). I am looking forward to seeing my progress on achieving that goal of mine in February.

The good thing about studying so much during the winter is that it is much easier to cozy up on the couch with some hot tea, a kitty on my lap, and a Barbri outline when it's dark and cold outside. But, in all honesty...I look forward to cozying up on my couch next winter with a memoir instead of a bar prep outline.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December is for Studying

Or so I tell myself.

Last week was wonderful. Family and food are among my favorite things in life and Thanksgiving combines those two things very well. Since I'm not in school anymore at night, I've been able to bake more than in years past. I made an eggnog quick bread with rum soaked raisins, a classic pumpkin pie, and an experimental apple pecan chess pie. My sig other's birthday was yesterday, but I decided to hold off on baking his gingerbread spice flan cake until later, considering we had already stuffed our faces plenty over the past week. I need to start taking pictures of these baked goods so that I can blog about them along with a gazillion others who already have food blogs.

One thing I enjoy about entertaining out-of-town guests is having an excuse to go out to nice places to eat. Since the guests (sig other's family) came from Philly, we decided that Southern food would be a nice bet and hence, ventured to Watt's Grocery. Everything we gnoshed on was delightful. If any of y'all have not been there, try to make time to do so. The menu is seasonal and changes often, so it's hard to get bored (though I do wish the deviled ham were on the menu year-round).

This December will be marred by Bar exam study for me. It's a good thing I don't like shopping. In fact, I almost detest shopping during the holiday season. On Black Friday, we went to a beer event/fundraiser at Triangle Brewing Company in Durham. There were 15 casks of NC beer, including my contrasting favorites---Duck Rabbit Coffee Porter and TBC's Habanero XPA. It was a wonderful event and a great way to support a few good causes all at once (cystic fybrosis, supporting local businesses, and supporting NC breweries).

So, now it's officially back to the study grind. The break was good while it lasted. I am going to do a little bit each night through the month of December. Starting off with Suretyships last week was not a good idea. So far, Corporations has been easier going and I know it will be tested. I actually did quite well on the Corporations essay in July, though I doubt piercing the corporate veil will be tested again in February. I'm speculating something about shareholders and mergers. Hmmm....

I haven't had any panic attacks yet about the bar exam. Mainly what I am struggling with is being patient (there are things I want to do now that have been put on hold until March) and staying motivated (sometimes hard to see how a bar license is a benefit when I see my licensed colleagues having difficulties landing gainful employment). I have to remind myself that good things do come to those who wait and that yes, being a licensed attorney will provide me with more opportunities than I have now.

Patience and motivation...can I get a pint of that, please?