Friday, January 30, 2009


So I'm sitting at a local cafe, typing up a Barbri Evidence outline, and drinking decaf coffee.  

Random observations/thoughts to mention while at a stopping point between relevance and authentication of writings:

  • I've often thought that the word "scooters" was an odd word to use as an example for labels (tags) on this blog template.  But, now I'm finally writing a post that I will tag with the word "scooters."  Sadly, my uncle died this past Friday, of complications related to multiple sclerosis.  He was diagnosed when I was very young and his wife left him because of it.  He always had a dry (and sometimes obscene) sense of humor.  Well, in his last years of his struggle, he relied on a scooter for mobility.  He would ride his scooter down to the farmer's market and hand out Tootsie Pops to everyone.  His scooter was his independence and consequently, the source of many battles between him and his well-intentioned caregivers.  I do hope that he is now able to walk around in heaven (or hell or in the afterlife or whatever) and that any scooter he might have with him is a diversion, and not a necessity.  On earth, his scooter was donated to the facility where he resided for the past 10 years.  I only hope that someone as spirited as my uncle Mike is riding it and that it gives him or her the same joy and sense of independence as it gave my uncle. RIP Uncle Mike...I hope that nothing pisses you off anymore, including multiple sclerosis.
  • I debated flying up to NY to be with my family because of the studying I needed to get done.  But, then again, some things are just more important.  I will find the time to makeup any study time I lost because of my visit.  Hell, if I fail again, I can always take it again, but occasions like these only come around once.
  • On a random, lighter, note, while observing a pair of young (probably college-aged, but that *is* young to me) kids chatting with and texting on their phones, I wonder how long it will be until we all have microchip-like devices that can be scanned to add people as friends on Facebook.  What made me think of this was that the kids were talking about someone who was a "friend" of one, but not the other.  They then proceeded to get onto Facebook on their phones, log in, find the person to be added, and then send the friend request.  What a hassle (please note sarcasm here)!  Wouldn't it be easier to just scan a person and then be able to add them instantly as a friend or add all of their friends?  That way, you'll never miss a precious moment in the lives of your 1000s of "friends"!
  • I like that our new president is so laid back---drinking beer and eschewing the suit jacket. 
  • I hate studying.  Wait---didn't I say that already?

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