Tuesday, April 7, 2009


UNC won the 2009 National Championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, it wasn't even close!

Wow, what a great ending to a great season of hoops!  I admit the end is bittersweet as it means 7 months until next year's season starts up again.  I am so happy for this team, but sad to not be able to see them in action again.

Oh, and I got my law license in the mail today.  I figured that was a good omen...I could have failed the bar again and UNC could have been knocked out in the tourney, or I could have passed the bar, yet UNC loses or vice versa...but no, I passed the bar AND UNC won the National Championship.  Add that to Obama winning and the Phillies winning, and life is feeling pretty good right now.

And to that...CHEERS!

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