Tuesday, April 7, 2009


UNC won the 2009 National Championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, it wasn't even close!

Wow, what a great ending to a great season of hoops!  I admit the end is bittersweet as it means 7 months until next year's season starts up again.  I am so happy for this team, but sad to not be able to see them in action again.

Oh, and I got my law license in the mail today.  I figured that was a good omen...I could have failed the bar again and UNC could have been knocked out in the tourney, or I could have passed the bar, yet UNC loses or vice versa...but no, I passed the bar AND UNC won the National Championship.  Add that to Obama winning and the Phillies winning, and life is feeling pretty good right now.

And to that...CHEERS!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Still Soaking it all in

I'm not sure when it will finally hit me that I passed. The results were posted online a few days ago and seeing my name on that list felt good. All of the congratulatory words, text messages, and emails were very much appreciated.

Someone asked me how long it took to get to this point. I had to think about it for a second. Let's see....I took the LSAT in July 2003, got accepted at NCCU in December 2003, started in the evening program at NCCU in August 2004, graduated in May 2008, took the Bar (v.1) in July 2008, took the Bar (v.2) in February 2009. It will have been almost 6 years from the time I started getting ready for law shcool until I'm actually able to practice law. In a way, passing the bar serves dual purposes: it ends one cycle in my life but also begins a new cycle.

I'm hoping my license and bar number will come in a few weeks and then I can really get the ball rolling on my next endeavor: going solo. Yes, I'm taking the plunge, but I do feel ready for the risk and ready for the challenge. I feel like I have the suppprt, energy, and motivation to be successful at it. Oh, I also like peanut butter and rice and beans, which is a good thing since that's all I'll probably eat for a few months.

This weekend is full of fun stuff: Full Frame Documentary Festival, John Prine concert, and of course, UNC is in the FINAL FOUR!!!!!!!! GO HEELS!!!! I'm still not done celebrating that I passed and it is a relief to be able to have fun without the Bar exam lingering over me.

As for this blog, I will continue to post here until I've got my solo practice blog going. I do have a few more things I want to say about this whole process, but it's a nice day outside and I'd rather go celebrate....

Sunday, March 29, 2009


So....I got word through the wonders of Facebook that some had received their letters today.  Well, I'm in DC with the sigO, who has had meetings and such.  My little brother was in charge of checking in with the dogs, so I called him earlier to let him know that he should check my mail.  

SigO and I headed out to Old Town Alexnadria for dinner and drinks.  Around 8 p.m., the bro called to say the letter was there.  After a few minutes of debate, I decided to have him open the letter. 

So he opened the letter.....

And after I heard "Congratulations!" I didn't care what else he said.  I passed.  I f'in' passed.  I told the bartender and he brought us 2 flutes of champagne.  All night long, I couldn't help myself from saying to wonderful BF-who supported me through all of this despite my breakdowns, "Guess what?"  He would sweetly respond (even after the umpteenth time)..."What?"  And I would elatedly respond....

I passed the Bar Exam.

I passed the Bar exam.

I PASSED the Bar Exam.

WE passed the bar exam.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Results are in the mail

...and I am in DC, far away from my mailbox.  One more day of not knowing won't kill me, but I did get that nervous rush when I saw that others had received their letters.

Will I be sitting at the edge of the bar for another 4 months?  Or did I pass?

I'll be sure to update tomorrow ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Brackets, Biscuits, and Bar Results

Since everyone seems to be asking:
  1.  I should get bar results in another 2-3 weeks.  Based on what they've done in past years, I'm guessing the coveted letter in a pretty cream-colored envelope will be mailed on 3/21 or 3/28.  I am still feeling rather ambivalent about the results.  I mean, if I fail it, I just take it again.  Of course, I'd rather not take it again, but there are worse things I could do in life, like sit in a tanning bed for hours (my personal idea of hell).
  2. Yes, I'm picking UNC to go all the way...except in 2 secret ballots that I'll only share with 2 people.  I have to take into account that Lawson might not be able to play 100% all games, but I'm not about to publicize that I've picked a team other than UNC to win.  I will say that I have picked a 2/15 upset involving a certain devilish team that rhymes with puke in at least one bracket.  I'm also partial to 3/14 upsets and #6 seeds.
  3. Biscuits...yes, I really know how to make them and no, I don't keep a stash in my car for when you see me in public.  Every time I go to a store or gas station or post office in my work uniform, someone inevitably asks if I have any biscuits with me.  Um, no.  And I don't have any chicken, either.

Off to finish a few more brackets...GO HEELS!

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness

I am a college hoops fanatic (or a junkie, as someone affectionately called me). I love this time of the year. It helps that my favorite team, UNC, is generally a good team, and that the ACC Conference is also generally good each year. But lest you think I limit my fanaticism to just one team, I'd like you to know I just love watching a good college hoops game, no matter the team. I grew up watching college sports and one of the reasons I chose UNC was because I wanted to go to a school with a successful sports program, or at least one where students and alumni are big fans. I loved watching UNC games in Mexico City with other fans who were on vacation (but obviously they didn't plan well, because who would leave the country during March Madness!?)

So my addiction leaves me tired and with no fingernails. I can't sit still when there's a good game on. Last night, I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning to watch Syracuse beat UConn in SIX overtimes. I watched the entire game, considering Syracuse is the team I support after UNC and the other ACC (except Dook) teams. There was no way I was going to go to bed until the game was over!

6 overtimes. The best players fouled out by the 3rd overtime, so the last players on the court were players who hardly played during the regular season. That game seemed to be a prime lesson on the importance of sticking it out and the true meaning of working as a team. Sometimes I wonder what the benchwarmers think while on the sidelines the whole season, as they watch the top players get the glory. But, this game proved that those players are just as important to the team as the starting 5.

I love college sports because of games like these. The emotion involved is almost palpable. I read a neat article about the game and how certain sports moments are unforgetable and how that's what keeps so many of us hooked. There are certain sports moments I'll never forget: when Roy Williams spoke after Syracuse beat Kansas for the national championship, Henderson bashing Hansbrough's nose, Chris Weber calling a time-out he didn't have, Kay Yow's last game coached....

However, one thing I don't like about March Madness is imminent feeling that the end of the basketball season is coming. It's always a bittersweet feeling to know that I won't be riding this sports-induced roller coaster for at least another 9 months or so. Sure, I enjoy other sports, but college hoops is in a different league for me.

In an ideal world, I'll get my passing letter the same weekend that UNC advances to the Final Four. But, I'll also admit that I'd be thrilled even if just one of those things happened. Yes, I admit that UNC winning a national championship is nearly as important to me as passing the bar.


Thursday, March 5, 2009


So so so so excited to finally get away for a few days! I'm heading to a small town on the coast of South Carolina, where I'll spend 3 days with my best friends and my honey. We don't do much of anything except eat, drink, and be merry. Well, there's usually a slack game of bocce ball and an occasional jog around the property. The main event is the UNC-Dook game. I'm picky about watching big games, but this is the perfect environment---I think between the 8 adults, there are 9 UNC degrees (one more in progress). It's not too loud (unlike a crowded sports bar) yet provides the feeling of a party when we win. Since I had to go right back to work after the exam, I didn't have the opportunity to get away and relax. This will be good for me.

Only about 25 days or so until results come in....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

It is Written

Last night, we saw Slumdog Millionaire.  I generally do not like going to the movie theater, but this was a movie I had wanted to see even before it received all of the Oscar-generated buzz.

I was impressed.  I thought it was a great movie and the message I took from it last night was no doubt Bar exam induced...

(spoiler alert if you haven't seen it)

Jamal got the right answers because he had experience with the questions that he was asked.  In other words, he won because he was asked the right questions.  And, on the last question, he guessed, and it was the right answer.  It would not matter how much he had prepared for that game show if he was only asked questions about things he did not know.  

(end spoiler)

The Bar Exam is similar.  If the Evidence essay were about the admissibility of remedial measures, I would have aced it.  However, it was about the exclusion of witnesses.  Unlike in the real world, or on a game show, I could not consult the audience or call co-counsel.  I had no lifelines.  Likewise, last bar exam, the Corporations question was about piercing the corporate veil.  I knew it and did well on that essay.  This time, it was about judicial dissolution, which I knew just enough to get by on (I hope).

Slumdog made me feel better knowing that winning the game isn't always about knowing all of the answers.  Rather, it is more about being asked the questions to which you know the answer.  I did my best to prepare for any question I could have been asked, but sometimes I just didn't know the answer.

All I can hope was that the majority of my "final answers" were right.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back to Running

Part of this experience was supposed to include more running.  However, it was harder to do that considering the sun goes down at 5ish.  Well, now the days are getting longer and I don't have to study the difference between unilateral and bilateral contracts, so I can pick up the frequency of my runs.

My new running shoes were on my front doorstep when I got home on Tuesday, after Day 1 of the exam.  I love my Brooks Adrenaline because they always fit just right so I don't have to bother with shoe shopping (which I cannot stand).

I went for a quick 3 mile run tonight with the dogs and got back just as it was getting dark. Hopefully, I'll get up to a 7 mile run this month. I can do 5 without much problem, so I think 7 is reasonable.

And now I don't have to listen to bar prep on my Ipod while running.  Ahhhh....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Done.  5 months after I got the "unsuccessful" letter, I am done with Bar Exam, Take 2.

After today, I feel almost the same as I did the last time, which I think is a good thing, considering I only missed it by a point.  I paced myself better, but still did not have enough time.  I always wonder how people finish 30 minutes early.

This time, I felt like I was able to eliminate wrong answers much quicker, yet I wasn't always happy with the answer I was left with.  MBE practice reminds us to select the "best" answer, though it might not always be right.

After today, I don't want to hear anything about landlords and tenants, nor anything to do with deeds.  I don't care who recorded first.  I don't care if the municipal library was adversely possessed or not.  

We need to average about 6 points per essay and about 65% right on the MBE in order to pass in NC.  That means that getting 70-80 questions out of 200 wrong is "normal."  Knowing that doesn't make the dreadful feeling of failing go away. The solace is knowing that people do pass this and many feel equally as ambushed as I do right now.

I am tired.  Drinking wine and listening to Howard Stern.  I put away my bar prep materials because I am just tired right now and really don't want to see these green books ever, ever, ever, again.

What's done is done and now the challenge is knowing that there is nothing I can do now to change my results.  I passed, or I didn't.  The thing about failing is that you lose that innocence/ignorance of knowing what failing feels like.  I wonder if that makes it easier...if I don't pass, I know I'll survive.  I'm just really ready to get this under my belt.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blurbs as an Essay

The Evidence question regarded exclusion of witnesses.  Evidence is one of my best subjects and I blew this question.  But, to my defense, I'm betting everyone else did too.  The applicable law needed to answer it is 3 lines in the big BarBri book and 3 lines in the NC distinctions section.  Rule 615.  Ask me anything about hearsay and I've got you covered.  But, exclusion of witnesses in a civil trial (which is very different than a criminal trial)...all wrong.  It almost seems unfair to premise at least 6 of my precious evidence points on a rule that occupies 1/100th of the entire subject matter of evidence to be covered on the exam.

All I can hope is that Rule 615 comes up tomorrow on the MBE so that I can recover a point, out of the 6 I lost today. Sigh....

The rule (maybe I got a few points since I said the party witness should not have been excluded):
Rule 615. Exclusion of witnesses.
At the request of a party the court may order witnesses excluded so that they cannot hear the testimony of other witnesses, and it may make the order of its own motion. This rule does not authorize exclusion of (1) a party who is a natural person, or (2) an officer or employee of a party that is not a natural person designated as its representative by its attorney, or (3) a person whose presence is shown by a party to be essential to the presentation of his cause, or (4) a person whose presence is determined by the court to be in the interest of justice. (1983, c. 701, s. 1.)

Day One, Done

And, in case any of you are wondering...it doesn't feel any better.  There is still the feeling that I didn't do enough, but I've learned that that's a common feeling.  I've been doing well on multis, so I hope that tomorrow I can do well enough to recover for any deficiencies today.

A few questions were relating to topics that I had at least a 6 point knowledge of (we're told we need to average 6 points an essay to pass).  And, on the topics I didn't know so well, I think I may have managed at least 6 points on those.  And, then of course, there are a few questions where my score will depend on how others answered, so that is my hope for the Secured transactions question regarding a bankruptcy trustee and bank accounts.  It was question #12 and I had only 15 minutes left to answer it.  I don't think extra time would have given me more time for a better answer, but one can only hope that no one else knew a lick about set-offs and bankruptcy.

I shared a table with another person who failed in July by one point.  I hope he passes, too.  If anyone ever wanted to depict "WTF?,"  I'm sure that they would see that look on our faces after a bar exam session.

You can study and study and study and get hit with something you've never seen.  You can give it your all and still feel like it wasn't enough.  We just won't know until 5 weeks from now whether we are minimally competent enough.

So, while I had intended to completely rest tonight, I am going to look over some MBE stuff for insurance.  Of course, I'll do that over a glass of wine...

Monday, February 23, 2009


Enjoyed coffee and a strudel at Copa Vida this morning as I went over those 100 key flashcards. Got groceries for the next few days (half-and-half since my sweet lab decided he wanted to drink the pint I had left on the counter, and eggs and bread for my packed with protein breakfast sandwich).  Picked up Girl Scout cookies I ordered.  Cleaned the house.  Went to the gym.  Got a pedicure (chose a fun purple for some odd reason).  Finally "got" the difference between spousal privilege and marital privilege and scribbled the stick-person image on a wadded up receipt in my purse. Went to dinner with the beau.  Now, sitting on the couch and drinking wine. Clothing is ready for tomorrow (fleece yoga pants and a fleece pullover). Backup wake-up calls are scheduled.  Snacks are packed (not like we can bring anything in...) and my admission ticket is under my car keys.  I am as ready as I'll ever be.

I am so tired.  I can't believe the bar exam is finally here.  I am going to do my best and that's all I can do. :)

Wish me luck....

Closing the Books....for good

And the time to close those big green books has finally come.  Finally.  In a way, these past 6 months have flown by.  On the other hand, I feel like I've been studying forever.

I didn't get as much done today as I thought I would, but I think I figured out why.  Adrenaline pushes us to study more, train more, etc.  I just didn't feel like I need to have a final "push" today.  I made flashcards for Civ Pro, Mortgages, and did a few other cards for some definitions/rules that I always seem to forget.  I've had a plan this time and I've stuck to it.

I re-read the July 2008 exam.  I can see now that I could have answered  some of those questions better than I did.  That being said, since I only missed it by one point, I am a bit concerned that the bar would have given me a license to practice considering those answers. It really it a test of minimum competence...you just can't be minimally competent on some things and completely incompetent on others.

I think I know all I can know to pass this test on Tuesday/Wednesday.  All of my books and outlines are now reduced to about 200 index cards that I will flip through tomorrow.  And then I'll relax for the rest of the day.

To my fellow re-takers:  I wish you all the best and hope to see you on the other side of the bar very soon!

To my law school friends: thanks for all of your support and kind words over the past months...I am honored to have such wonderful colleagues.

To other friends: thanks for believing in me and for always having a beer with me, whether I pass or fail.

To my family:  thanks for being there for me when I got the bad news and thanks for always reminding me that my performance on this exam is not a measure of who I am.

To V:  thanks for being so understanding of my need to study and for listening to me go on and on and on about what I've been studying, and most importantly, being a shoulder to cry on when I feel scared or overwhelmed.  

I truly hope I will not have to go through this again. It is a learning experience and it has been an opportunity for a lot of personal growth.  But, I really really really really do not want to go through this again.

That all being said....it's time for bed.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fizzling out

Today's goal was to look at Civil Procedure, Family Law, Mortgages, Contracts/Sales, PR, and then review.  So far, done with Civ Pro and Family Law.  But, it's 3 p.m. and I am just running out of steam.  Realistically, I know I can finish up with those other topics before dinnertime and then enjoy a beer with my flashcards.

I'm just tired of looking at these BarBri outlines.  Tired of writing.  Tired of reading.  Tired of having my cat bite my hand while I type.  Tired of chewing on all of my pens. Tired of index cards.  Just plain tired.

Just a few more hours....

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Saturday Before

Last night, I had a bit of a breakdown.  I did 100 released MBE multis and did quite well, so that allayed some fears.  However, I still am trying to balance the need to feel in control of this beast and the consequential need to know everything.  I know it's not logical, nor reasonable, to know everything that could be tested on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Nonetheless, the more I know, the more in control I'll feel....or so I think.

After the boo-hooing, I poured a glass of wine and got back to studying.  I made flashcards of critical concepts that I either need to know cold or don't quite know so well.  I finished up Torts and Secured Transactions.  This morning, I knocked out Real Property, Criminal Law, and Criminal Procedure.  I am going to work on Evidence and Contracts/Sales while I watch the UNC game.

But, despite the breakdown last night, I feel OK.  I just took a few minutes to clean up the house.  Tonight, I'm heading out to a nice dinner for a work function with the boyfriend.  I doubt I'll get any more studying done after that and you know what...that's quite OK.

 Tomorrow's plan includes flashcarding for Civil Procedure, Family Law, Mortgages, and Professional Responsibility.  Then I'll pour a glass of wine (or a beer) and read over some of those not-so-commonly-tested-but-not-going-to-press-my-luck topics like Trusts, Suretyship, and such. And then more flashcards of the big topics.  And then more flashcards.  And then more wine.  And then more flashcards.  And then....

Monday I will rest.  I'll go for a run, do some yoga, get a pedicure, maybe watch a movie....

There comes a point when you just can't add any more info to your brain's capacity.  Sometimes it's necessary to let it "sit" for a while....like when you open a cellared bottle of red wine.

Monday will be for decanting.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook Statuses

While out running, I started thinking about some law concepts in terms of a Facebook status. Here are some I thought of along the way (a nice, sunny, 3 mile run with my pups):

  • Sarah is glad her neighbors don't have a reasonable expectation in the trash and recycling they put out on the curb because she likes seeing who else likes good beer and shops at Costco.
  • Sarah wonders if her neighbors know that if their dogs (who are on invisible fence) ever attack her dogs while running in the street, they will be held strictly liable for injuries, especially because they've seen the dogs attack others before.
  • Sarah would be strictly liable for injuries her cat causes others because her kitty is known to bite.  
  • Sarah wonders if running with 2 dogs and an Ipod (not this time, though) would make her contributorily negligent if she got hit by a car.  Surely though, the driver would have had the last clear chance to avoid the accident.
  • Sarah hopes she never has to go on to her neighbor's property to protect herself because they have a very nice garden that would cost a lot to repair.
  • Sarah thinks that our current president is managing his exclusive powers to handle foreign affairs quite well.
  • Sarah wonders if the police ever caught the vandals who stole our Obama signs---they should have been charged with larceny and trespass.
  • Sarah thinks people should stop trying to sue restaurants when they find a feather on a chicken wing or a small bone in their fish.
  • Sarah will gladly perfect your cash if you give it to her.
  • Sarah owns her house in fee simple absolute, subject to her bank's mortgage.
  • Sarah thinks Dook players should be held liable in tort (battery) for their flagrant fouls that appear to exceed the scope of consent for a college basketball game.
  • Sarah would set up an honorary trust for her dogs, but wonders who she could appoint to enforce it without thinking it was a joke.
  • Sarah doubts the Simultaneous Death Act and the 120 hour rule would apply to above-mentioned trust for dogs if the dogs happened to die at the same time.
  • Sarah admits she relies on  reliable authoritative texts to make some decisions.

  • Sarah's arguments on Tuesday will prevail in "court," unless some unforeseeable, intervening, superseding event occurs.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A trust is....

Those were my first thoughts this morning upon awakening.  My last thoughts before bedtime involved involuntary dismissals and being taxed for the costs of the action.  In a week from today, I will be finishing up lunch before embarking on the last session of the bar exam.

I've gone through essays and written out rules.  I've done multis.  Yet, sometimes I still feel like I can't possibly remember all of this for the bar exam....and then I wake up thinking about the definition of a trust, and I realize I know what it is.  And, just like that came out of nowhere this morning, it will similarly make itself available for regurgitation on Tuesday.

Last night, I was reading some posts on a forum for people taking the bar and was surprised to see how many had unsupportive significant others.  I am definitely lucky in that regard.  Now, if he would just take the test for me, I'd be a happy woman.  I know I'm not alone when I speak for other bar exam takers---the support of family and partners means more than they'll ever know---

Today's plan:
Massage--already done (didn't realize how much tension I've been storing in my body)
Lunch-already done (need to be reminded to eat)

Finish Yellow BarBri book.
Write out important rules for my weaker subjects (Secured Transactions, Mortgages, Sales).
60 PMBR multis.

February and July 2007, and February and July 2008 bar exams
Review 2005, 2006 exams that I did yesterday
60 PMBR multis

100 Question Timed 2006 MBE (new questions)
Write rules for weak topics.

100 Question Timed BarBri or PMBR set
Review weak topics/concepts
Dinner with SigO

1 hour each major NC topic (review outline, write out rules)

Long workout at gym
Long walk with dogs
Dinner with SigO
Long Bath
Glass of Wine

Are you ready to rumble?????
(As a writer, I'll be in the Dorton Arena, home of the Carolina Rollergirls--I think I'll try to adopt a Rollergirl attitude as I knock those questions out of play.)

OK, back to studying....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Brick Walls and Breaks

9 days until the big day and I am just.not.motivated. Maybe it's the prospect of a whole week to memorize NC law ad nauseam and write essays and look at old exams?  Maybe it's the fact that I've now been studying for the bar Exam for about 5 months (adding in my July study time) and I'm just sick of the UCC, the FRE, the NCRCP, the UPA., the MPC, et.al.?  In fact, the only acronyms I am interested in these days are ACC and WTF. 

My dear friend (who passed the bar in July) says that this week before the exam should be best utilized to "manage anxiety."  Somehow I feel like I should study 12 hours a day for the next week, but I just don't think that's a realistic goal.  Last time, with a week to go before the exam, I was still looking at NC topics for the first time since the BarBri lecture (that I hardly paid attention to due to my inability to sit still and watch anything on a screen).  I was still learning about priority in consumer goods, fixtures, defamation, etc.  This time, I've already done that, so the feeling that I need to cram is just not present this time.  I'd like to think that's a good thing.  Still, the prospect of writing an essay for real is still scary, but motivating.  I know I will know as much as I can know come next Sunday and honestly, that's all I can do.  At this point in the game, studying an extra 2-3 hours a day is useless if it causes me more anxiety and stress.

In good news, I'm scoring about 70% on MBE multis and I've improved my timing.  I will still do 30 multis a day until Saturday, when I will do a 100 question set (timed).  I will do all of the essays in the BarBri yellow book and I will write out complete answers for the past 3 years of old NC exams.  I will outline the essays for another 3 years of essays.

I will also get a massage on Wednesday and I will go out to run a few afternoons this week.  I will also make sure to get enough sleep so that I don't get sick before the exam.  I am managing my anxiety.

I did go for a study break beer on Friday night.  I also enjoyed a nice dinner out with the wonderful sig other who is certainly tired of hearing me talk about this test.  He (very politely) suggested that I try to take a break from it for a few hours last night, which I interpreted as him telling me he needed a break from hearing about it.  Nonetheless, it was nice to talk about all the fun things that are coming up after the exam.  Breaks are good.  Relaxing is good. But...

9 days???!!!!   WTF?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I studied hard today so that I could watch the UNC-Duke game without (much) guilt.  I knocked out 8 hours of studying and finished Contracts.  

I then allowed myself to enjoy a Foothills Sexual Chocolate beer (love this stuff!) and then  Merlot Aged Belgian Brown Ale, aged in a Merlot barrel, at Horniblows (Big Boss).  

And, most importantly, UNC WON!!!!!  101-87!!!!!!!!!!   Go HEELS!!!!

Tomorrow, it will be time to get back to the books (must finish Sales, Secured Transactions, and Civil Procedure).

But, at the least, it was nice to feel like something was more important than the bar exam today.  Even if I had stayed at home and studied, I probably would not have gotten much done.  One thing that's hard to do while in the home stretch of studying is balancing the need to relax with the omnipresent need (compulsion?) to study.  I'd like to think a 90/10 balance is healthy...at least for the next 2 weeks.  

The good thing is that I will be done with the Bar exam by the time the next UNC-Dook match-up rolls around.  And, in my ideal world, the Heels will be playing for the Final Four the weekend that I get my passing results.


Monday, February 9, 2009

You Know You're in the Bar Exam Study Zone when...

  • Cleaning the house brings you an odd sense of comfort...or stress (sweeping the floor seems so easy and I see results immediately)
  • You get flustered at even the slightest challenge in the real world because you just need to know that you can be right about something (after studying a topic all day and then only get 50% of multis right, and that's "normal")
  • You eat the same thing for dinner most meals because you've already figured out how to prepare it and because it provides some nourishment (nachos are healthy, right?)
  • You'd rather go grocery shopping than do another essay about archaic doctrines and rules about Shelley, Wild, Pullman, and M'Naghten
  • And when you *do* go grocery shopping or out to eat, you wonder if the boss has negligently hired or retained the cashiers who are possibly embezzling (or just stealing) the money that you're giving them for that can of Diet Coke that might explode and harm you and the sweet old lady next to you who might have a heart attack and die and as you go to help her, you slip on a wet spot on the floor caused by a leaky roof that the manager knew about when he entered into the lease to rent the building....
  • You desperately want to spend time with your significant other and know that it would be a good thing to relax for at least a few minutes, but you also know that it's easy to get distracted when you're not studying...and, if you think going through this hell is bad once...try going through it twice. ;)
  • You repeat to others your study schedule not because they care, but because it soothes your nerves.
  • You feed your pets scrambled eggs because you can't seem to remember to buy food for them.
  • You find yourself enjoying things you don't usually enjoy, like watching reality shows.  Or, you start doing new things that you don't really have time for, but provide some respite from statute memorization.
  • You miss being with your friends and family, but you also know they understand.  You call them up on purpose just to hear "You'll do fine!" even though you get a little perturbed when other people tell you that.
  • You are constantly amazed at how much crap can fit into your brain and likewise, constantly amazed at how quickly you forget 99% of that.

So, 14 more days. Two weeks.  I finished up Property today, leaving only Contracts to finish by Wednesday.  I will take a break to watch the UNC/Dook game and I will also allow myself to not worry about getting much done during the game.  And, I am taking Valentine's evening off from studies.  One thing a friend reminded me is that during this time, us bar-takers become self absorbed.  She didn't say that directly, but it's true...it's another way you know you're in the "zone"...it's all about me right now, which means I'm not being the best friend, the best daughter, nor the best partner.  I have learned during this process of re-taking not to take those important people for granted.  So, if it means listening to my friend talk about her work issues, or listen to my sig other talk about beer and politics, or listen to my mom talk about her family challenges, I do it with pleasure and without regret that I maybe should have been studying instead of chatting.  But, in the end, I need those conversations as much as they do...to remind me of what is important...love and friendship definitely trump the Rule in Shelley's Case.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

70 Degrees and Beginning to Sweat

It's going to be another 70 degree day today and I beginning to sweat.  I am hoping to do some studying in my backyard, in the sun, while my dogs take naps in the grass and dream of squirrels.  I, on the other hand, will see if I can finally understand those rules of law that I haven't been able to get (recording statutes,  third party beneficiaries, privilege and immunity clause of 14th Amendment, etc.).

Property will be done today, as well as about 20 multis in Torts, Crim Law, Evidence, and Con Law. Tomorrow I will start Contracts (my last MBE topic!!!!) Come Wednesday evening, I will be in all review mode.

16 days until the Big Day.  I will be writing the exam in the Dorton Arena, which is alternatively used for roller derby games and concerts for the State Fair.  I am already trying to figure out what I will wear that day because somehow I am guessing that the temperature controls will be wacky.

I am getting a bit more nervous, but also a bit more confident.  I still have 16 days.  I only have 16 days left.  


Friday, February 6, 2009

La Copa Vida

Just wanted to add a shout out to my new campground for the next 17 days--Copa Vida Coffee in Durham.  I'm probably an odd coffeeshop customer during bar exam time--I want good coffee, loud enough background music to drown out conversations that I would otherwise be tempted to listen in on, good coffee, good lighting, and...no internet.  Big coffee chain that shall not be named, but rhymes with Daddy Warbucks, usually has no free wireless, but, their coffee is...well, it's not from locally roasted beans, can be bitter, and comes in a coffee cup that has become a new status symbol.   

Why don't I like it when there's internet?  If I don't have it, then I'm not tempted by it.  Pretty simple.

Now, before I have people correcting me about Copa Vida's wireless access, I will note that they actually do have wireless.  It's just password protected.  So, when very friendly barista asked if I wanted the code, I declined, knowing that I could get it at any time, should I need to.

Lo and behold....guess what happened?  I finished Mortgages in 3 hours flat.  

Durhamites, please go support this cafe.  In doing so, you support a local business in 2 ways, since they use Counter Culture coffee.

Needless to say, I've found my non-alcoholic watering hole.

Got my Ticket

It's official.  I'm taking the NC Bar Exam in 18 days.  I admit that, until I received the admission ticket in the mail, I secretly hoped that one of the letters from the Bar Association would say that they had made a mistake in grading my exam, and that, indeed, I did pass.  It's a good thing I've been studying because I don't see that happening.

It's another Friday night that I will spend with my books.  For "fun," I will go to a coffee place and study.  The wonderful beau is having fun this weekend and I will be having fun with....property.

I'm back to drinking Emergen-C every day just to keep the sickies at bay.  

Today was my last full week of work until after the bar. 

18 days.  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Torts, done!

Topics left: Property, Contracts, Secured Transactions, Civil Procedure.

Reminiscing on July, I remember that I was still making posters of outlines a few days before the exam.  By typing up the BarBri outlines and adding NC distinctions and my own mnemonics, I am essentially doing the same thing I did in July (making posters).  However, this time around, I will have a full 2 weeks to review, review, review, review.  Last time, I was looking at some topics for the first time (other than the 3 hours from Barbri class where I had a very hard time sitting still to watch a videotaped lecture) just days before the exam.  Add my July study to this study and I am finally feeling quite comfortable with most topics.  Once I do memorization drills and essay practice, I'm sure I will feel even better.

I will pass the bar.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Frustration of Purpose and Confusion of the Issues

Two legal phrases that best describe my mental state right now.

Last night, after scoring 78% on an Evidence practice set, I decided to go to bed. I was late anyway, but I did finish Evidence. For some reason, I decided to take my July 2008 Bar Exam essays to bed with me. Bad idea.

My undergrad degree is Education, so I learned how to test students and also how to give feedback. I was reminded last night that the bar examiners who write (and grade) those exams are lawyers, not teachers. For one, having essays with no writing on them to indicate where I did get points left me wondering where I really went wrong, especially when my essay covers the same things as a "model" essay. Was it my knowledge of the law that didn't come through as coherently? Did I not say the magic phrase? Second, knowing my score on an essay is almost useless if you don't know the overall range of scores---if average was a 5, then my 3 wasn't so bad after all.

I was also reminded of the range of my scores and that reminded me that different people write each question and grade it. So, it's obvious that the person who graded my Wills essay gave no points for about 10 things I mentioned that were also mentioned in the model essay. I could have written a letter to Santa on that essay and received as many points as I did actually writing about the issue (that would be 0 points). Yes, I got 0 points on an essay. It is a myth that if you identify the issue and write some basic, applicable rules, you'll get at least a point. Not true.

One point is all I have to recover, but I am aiming to recover a lot more. As for coverage, I am now down to Torts, Contracts, and Property (and their respective NC topics). I'm also down to 23 days until showtime. From today on out, it's at least 6 hours of studying a day until I take off time from work. At that point, it will be 8-10 hours a day. But, I will only be reviewing, which will be different than last time. Right now, I am feeling confident about the MBE, but not so confident about the essays. But, that is kinda where I expected to be at this point in the game---I wanted to get the MBE topics under my belt so that I could focus on memorizing NC law and writing essays in the home stretch.

I will pass the bar. I will pass the bar. I will pass the bar.

Friday, January 30, 2009


So I'm sitting at a local cafe, typing up a Barbri Evidence outline, and drinking decaf coffee.  

Random observations/thoughts to mention while at a stopping point between relevance and authentication of writings:

  • I've often thought that the word "scooters" was an odd word to use as an example for labels (tags) on this blog template.  But, now I'm finally writing a post that I will tag with the word "scooters."  Sadly, my uncle died this past Friday, of complications related to multiple sclerosis.  He was diagnosed when I was very young and his wife left him because of it.  He always had a dry (and sometimes obscene) sense of humor.  Well, in his last years of his struggle, he relied on a scooter for mobility.  He would ride his scooter down to the farmer's market and hand out Tootsie Pops to everyone.  His scooter was his independence and consequently, the source of many battles between him and his well-intentioned caregivers.  I do hope that he is now able to walk around in heaven (or hell or in the afterlife or whatever) and that any scooter he might have with him is a diversion, and not a necessity.  On earth, his scooter was donated to the facility where he resided for the past 10 years.  I only hope that someone as spirited as my uncle Mike is riding it and that it gives him or her the same joy and sense of independence as it gave my uncle. RIP Uncle Mike...I hope that nothing pisses you off anymore, including multiple sclerosis.
  • I debated flying up to NY to be with my family because of the studying I needed to get done.  But, then again, some things are just more important.  I will find the time to makeup any study time I lost because of my visit.  Hell, if I fail again, I can always take it again, but occasions like these only come around once.
  • On a random, lighter, note, while observing a pair of young (probably college-aged, but that *is* young to me) kids chatting with and texting on their phones, I wonder how long it will be until we all have microchip-like devices that can be scanned to add people as friends on Facebook.  What made me think of this was that the kids were talking about someone who was a "friend" of one, but not the other.  They then proceeded to get onto Facebook on their phones, log in, find the person to be added, and then send the friend request.  What a hassle (please note sarcasm here)!  Wouldn't it be easier to just scan a person and then be able to add them instantly as a friend or add all of their friends?  That way, you'll never miss a precious moment in the lives of your 1000s of "friends"!
  • I like that our new president is so laid back---drinking beer and eschewing the suit jacket. 
  • I hate studying.  Wait---didn't I say that already?

I hate studying

Have I said that already? I really do not like it. I've never been much of a studier anyway. In high school, I was one of those who got good grades despite minimal effort. In college, I got by, though I definitely partied more than I studied. In my last year of college, I did see that my grades were better if I studied. Go figure. Law school wasn't too much different, but I justified my lack of studying with the fact that I was working full time. I studied enough to get a good enough grade.

Studying for the bar exam the first time around wasn't so bad, mainly because all of my classmates were in the same stressed out boat I was. And, I knew that I only had to know enough to pass. It was only a test of minimal competency. Well, obviously I either didn't learn enough to *just* pass it or I'm not minimally competent.

This time, honestly, has been pure hell so far. One thing that is different is that I don't have that same support group that I had last time. The other thing is that more people are telling me what I should do differently to pass. While I know their intent is good, I have to bite my tongue so as to not remind them that, in actuality, there may have only been 1 point separating us, so their way likely isn't going to be the magical salve to my success this time around. I am tweaking some things and doing some things differently (writing out answers to multis, reading outlines out loud, etc.)

I have completed Con Law and Crim Law/Criminal Procedure. I will tackle Evidence this weekend. As for NC subjects, I'm down to Civ Pro and the remaining MBE topics (Torts, Contracts, Property). I am only a day behind on my schedule, which will still leave me 3-4 days to "review" and write essays ad nauseum.

I hate studying. Hate it. Have I said that already?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Con Law Done!

The good thing about Constitutional Law is that there's not really a NC-specific set of laws that are different than the majority.  So, in other words, if Con Law comes up on the NC essays (which it usually does), then most of the knowledge about Con Law needed for MBE will be sufficient to, at least, get by on the NC essay.  That's different that some of the other MBE topics because there are substantial variations in NC law that conflict with (or distinguish us from) the majority.

So, topic tally:  Con Law, Agency/Partnerships, Corporations, Wills, Trusts, Liens and Suretyships, Professional Responsibility, Family Law.  Not bad, at least not for the second time around.

While I was studying tonight, I was thinking about how much different the study of law probably is from other disciplines.  The laws are always changing.  Sometimes, no sooner the ink has dried on a new textbook, the SCOTUS hears a case and rules in such a way that invalidates half of the case law you've just read.  I can't imagine the study of science would involve such variance in principles and basic fundamentals.  I mean, a plant is a plant, right?  I doubt one day you're learning about chlorophyll and then you get a news bulletin announcing that the highest ranking biologists have now decided that plants don't have chlorophyll. Studying for the bar exam and for any law school exam means knowing the current law, in addition to the common law, minority law, and the majority (which may or may not be the law in your state).  And just when you think you've got that all figured out, you wake up and read the news to see that SCOTUS has ruled a bit unexpectedly, like they did the other day in Oregon v. Ice.  At least I can feel sigh of relief that that new twist on the law will not be on the bar exam in 5 weeks.

5 weeks?  Seriously???  Where's my wine?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Morning Progress Report

I had another nice weekend, but I fear it might have been the last one of that intensity until after the Bar exam. It's not so much the partying and drinking that is harmful, but rather the general malaise that results the next day. But, to my defense, it is important to relax when possible while studying for the Bar exam. I had to take advantage of the some of the last winter seasonals (beer) before the spring seasonals start rolling in. I also enjoyed celebrating a 40th birthday with a friend. The bar exam IS important, but learning how to balance other important things in life is one of the lessons learned during crunch-time.

So....I finished up Wills and Professional Responsibility. I've also gotten about about 25% of Con Law done. This week, I'll tackle some smaller NC topics, like Mortgages, Trusts, and Agency. I will also finish Con Law.

Another thing I will do this week is work on getting to bed a bit earlier and doing about 15 minutes more of cardio while at the gym (that helps me go to sleep). While I can generally get away with 6 hours of sleep each night, by the time the weekend rolls around, all I want to do is sleep in. Unfortunately, that gives me a late start on a prime day for studying.

Lastly, I will try to stake out a good place to study in the evenings. I'm not sure if it will be a coffee place or a library or a combination of both, but I will have to get out of my house at least a few nights a week if I want to get anything done.

6 full weeks left....where did the time go??!?!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Objectives and Outcomes

This is where this blog might get quite boring.  Crunch time is here.  Sigh....

My undergraduate degree is in Foreign Language Education.  One of the most helpful things I learned was how to set goals, define objectives, and measure outcomes.  Our lessons plans couldn't just say "teach present tense conjugation of verbs ending in -ar."  Instead, we were forced to write "students will demonstrate understanding of present tense verbs ending in  -ar by demonstrating 80% accuracy in conjugating 10 common verbs."

The past month has been a warm up for me, but now the fun really begins.  This week, I will tackle NC Wills and finish up Corporations and Professional Responsibility.  I will also do at least 36 MBE multis and write out the answers.  I will start tracking my progress here so that I can make sure I am meeting my own goals.

So, tonight I learned (and can write at least a 6 point essay about):
  • Attested, holographic, and nuncupative wills
  • Basic requirements for a will to be admitted to probate
  • Revocation of wills
  • NC lost wills statute
  • Dependent Relative Revocation
I also demonstrated 100% accuracy on making a mean mac & cheese and a tomato basil soup to go along with it.  However, this past weekend, my objective of catching at least one fish was not met.  I was able to cast out with about 50% accuracy and was also able to eat a yummy cannoli with 100% accuracy.  If it were not for the bar exam, I would venture to say that accuracy in cannoli eating is a much more useful skill than knowing about nuncupative wills.  Well...unless someone wanted to give me a cannoli on their death bed...I don't think the cannoli would last until probate though, so I would have to have a witness write it down that the cannoli was intended for me.

Alas, the legal fog is setting in and soon my life will be reduced to hypothetical situations....again.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pass the Bar Exam

That's MY New Year's resolution.  In a way, achieving other resolutions are secondary and dependent on passing the bar exam.    Reducing the amount of time I spend online will happen as I study more to accomplish my main goal of passing the bar exam.  Getting more exercise will happen as I take study breaks or as I do multiple choice questions while on the treadmill (yes, I did that the other night and found it to be a surprisingly effective study practice).  

Last night, as I toasted to the New Year, I think I surprised myself by saying that 2008 was a great year for me.  Yes, I failed the bar exam, but otherwise I had a great year.  The happiness, love, and satisfaction that I felt as a result of the other events of the year made failing the bar exam seem minimal.  Generally speaking, life is pretty good for me and I have much to be thankful for.

So, on that note, I resolve to pass the bar exam in February. I have been studying half-heartedly for the past month, but I feel like I am making progress.  Studying will really kick into high gear this Monday....after I go fishing.  I will do 4 hours of studying each day through January and up to 8-10 hours a day in February.  The good thing is that I am not learning this stuff for the first time and much of it seems like review.  

When I pass the bar exam in February, I will be able to start working on achieving other goals that I have set for myself....visit new places (South America, Canada....), start my own business, volunteer more, and hike with my dogs more.

But, as my supportive sig other says....first, I have to pass the bar exam.  Then, the real fun will begin :)