Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Saturday Before

Last night, I had a bit of a breakdown.  I did 100 released MBE multis and did quite well, so that allayed some fears.  However, I still am trying to balance the need to feel in control of this beast and the consequential need to know everything.  I know it's not logical, nor reasonable, to know everything that could be tested on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Nonetheless, the more I know, the more in control I'll feel....or so I think.

After the boo-hooing, I poured a glass of wine and got back to studying.  I made flashcards of critical concepts that I either need to know cold or don't quite know so well.  I finished up Torts and Secured Transactions.  This morning, I knocked out Real Property, Criminal Law, and Criminal Procedure.  I am going to work on Evidence and Contracts/Sales while I watch the UNC game.

But, despite the breakdown last night, I feel OK.  I just took a few minutes to clean up the house.  Tonight, I'm heading out to a nice dinner for a work function with the boyfriend.  I doubt I'll get any more studying done after that and you know what...that's quite OK.

 Tomorrow's plan includes flashcarding for Civil Procedure, Family Law, Mortgages, and Professional Responsibility.  Then I'll pour a glass of wine (or a beer) and read over some of those not-so-commonly-tested-but-not-going-to-press-my-luck topics like Trusts, Suretyship, and such. And then more flashcards of the big topics.  And then more flashcards.  And then more wine.  And then more flashcards.  And then....

Monday I will rest.  I'll go for a run, do some yoga, get a pedicure, maybe watch a movie....

There comes a point when you just can't add any more info to your brain's capacity.  Sometimes it's necessary to let it "sit" for a when you open a cellared bottle of red wine.

Monday will be for decanting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog and I wish you the best of luck on your exam. I prepare to take my exam in MO this Tuesday and Wednesday as well. Your insight to studying has been entertaining, as I can relate to almost all of it.
Good luck and cheers to passing!