Friday, September 5, 2008

Fail the NC Bar Exam=Become a Politician

Maybe that's my destiny? I've always been drawn to politics and would like to run for public office one day. Somehow it seems a lot of the well-known bar repeaters are politicians. I wonder if that's mainly because all of their dirty laundry is aired during a campaign and apparently, failing the bar exam is dirty laundry.

I did not know that former governor of NC, Jim Hunt, failed the NC bar exam on his first attempt.

After failing the bar exam, Hunt moved with his wife and daughter to Nepal, where he worked as an economic adviser for the Ford Foundation for two years.

In 1966, he passed the bar exam on his second try and joined a law practice in Wilson.

Ooh, moving to Nepal...I had not thought about that before. I wonder if he brought flashcards with him.


Sarah Jessica Farber said...

I added you to my feed reader but then realized I'd have to come back here to comment anyway. But I digress.

If you move to Nepal, I'll hunt you down and kill you.


Anonymous said...

Someone told me that JFK (the original) took the Mass. bar 5 times before he passed. This could be verified, but I am too lazy to google. Guess it builds character.

Sarah said...

I think JFK failed 2 times and was successful on his 3rd try (with special accommodations).

Jeana Hurst said...

Hey sweet friend...I am so sorry about the bar exam...everyone can say that it builds character and even the most successful people have failed before they have passed...but I know what your head is saying and I am just so sad. However, my dear are a woman who has endured tougher than this! You have overcome a lot in your life and you have never ever been one to give up! I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS AND WILL DO THIS! Hold your head up high and as the old saying goes...."If at first you don't succeed, try try again!"
