Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Work-The Walk of Shame

You know how you feel the morning after you've had too much to drink? You wonder if you've said inappropriate things, danced on the top of the bar, insulted your boss, flirted with the waiter a bit too much.....You go to work or see your friends and wonder why everyone is looking at you kinda funny. I feel that way right now. I feel everyone knows yet no one wants to ask about it. I guess the look on my face says it all (not to mention the bloodshot eyes that come from 3 nights of restless sleep, daily bouts of tears, and a few too many beers).

I guess the good thing is that I have a job that doesn't require a law license. I admit I am tad envious of those who get to start working at their new law jobs and use that newly minted license.

This week's focus for recovery: truly believing that this is not indicative of my knowledge, intellect, or ability to be an attorney.

Here's an interesting article I came across while searching "fail bar exam": "The Science of Passing the Bar Exam: Does First-Year Torts Really Matter?" I found this comment particularly comforting:

But the study does support a conclusion that most law students and lawyers already know: no matter what you took or how well you did in law school, the bar exam is an experience all its own.
It really is an experience all its own.

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